“If you’re struggling or stuck and just don’t know where to go; and you just need a ‘hand up’ – not a ‘hand-out’ –
I recommend IMPACT because it has been nothing but up, up, up, for me.” (Client)

Thursday nights

(303) 794-5683 [LOVE]

Want to restore your financial, relational, emotional and spiritual health and kickstart your dreams?


Get Started with a Class

Sign up for a weekly class to gain community, seek guidance, and commit to a better you.


Receive Life Coaching

Meet with a Life Coach who will provide guidance and access to funds as goals are met.


Continue to Learn

Take other elective classes on healthy relationships, finances, personal growth, and spiritual life.


Dream BIG and Transform

Commit to life change and make the investment. The impact will be dramatic and inspiring to see!


Start with food and fellowship while you connect in community


Kids grow in a safe environment while you’re learning too


God loves us and hears our prayers. Share your requests.

Volunteer with us!

We love seeing the Body of Christ coming together each week to provide dinner, childcare, prayer, classes, coaching and support. If you are passionate about using your gifts and talents to transform lives in our community through the Love of Christ; please considering volunteering!

Provide a Dinner

Our participants often say the best thing about the IMPACT ministry is the sense of community. That starts with food and fellowship. Meal teams sign up for one-time opportunity to bring prepared food to our Thursday night campus ready to serve and eat alongside the IMPACT family. This is a great chance for people to see our ministry in action and get acquainted with our teams.

IMPACT Classes

2024 Fall Classes begin Thursday, September 12th

This session of IMPACT classes include: Affirming Potential, Boundaries, Stewardship, and Managing Stress. Learn more about these classes and register on the Classes page.

Classes offered in future trimesters

BOUNDARIES: Recognize when to say yes and how to say no to take control of your life in accordance with God’s design for living. Explore how healthy boundaries give us freedom to make choices and to love and live in right relationship with ourselves, others and God.

~ “The Boundaries class helped me in a life altering way. I learned healthy boundaries know no limits.” (Class Participant)

BUDGETING & PERSONAL FINANCE: Do you know God’s purpose for your money? Come discover it with us! This course is designed for people who: Are just starting to manage money well. ~ Don’t have a lot of extra money to spare. ~ Desire to overcome financial obstacles. ~ Want to save more and pay off debt.

DAILY LIFE SKILLS: Discover the “how to’s” of living God’s design for our lives. Learn the ten daily living skills needed to move forward in your life and how to apply them to practically any situation, routine or project.  We cover 11 topics in 11 Lessons with different guest topic leaders each Lesson hosted by one class facilitator. Half of the lessons are devoted to one of our greatest sources of worry: household budget management. Class content may be presented through videos, learning activities, talks, storytelling, question and answer sessions, and/or demonstrations. 

~ ” I am walking away from this class with so many more tools that will enable progress in my life.” (Participant)

EXPERIENCING GOD’S STORY OF LIFE AND HOPE: This spiritual formation class is practical and realistic, showing that the process of becoming like Christ involves our entire being. Each lesson involves a close examination of a passage of Scripture, identification of timeless theological principles, and personal application for spiritual growth.  

~ “I knew my group was praying for me. I enjoyed watching the videos, I was amazed how much I learned.”  (Class Participant)

HOW WE LOVE: Be freed from the bondage of frustration, resentment and bitterness and move toward compassion and forgiveness by exploring the roots of how we relate to and express love for ourselves and others. Let it begin with you.

~ “He is showing me how He made me, wired me and what He is truly calling me to do in my life.” (Class Participant)

OVERCOME: A class for those affected by mental/emotional health challenges and/or their supporters. Under the guidance of trained facilitators, participants work through this a study guide, which provides practical tools as well as Biblical encouragement and support. The small group setting emphasizes the power of vulnerability in a safe environment. Overcome helps participants experience the abundant life of Christ as children of God, valuable and worth of love.  

~ “I loved the Facilitators and how they made it a safe place and built community.” (Class Participant)

PARENTING: Do you need sensible and practical ideas that will help you raise a confident and responsible child? The STEP parenting program is an effective training curriculum that focuses on topics important to parents today. This course provides valuable tools which improve communication among family members and lessens conflict. Easy to understand and apply, STEP presents effective skills that can be used immediately.

REDEMPTIVE COMPASSION®: is a biblical philosophy on holistic help for those we serve through relationship, compassion and respect. Come to this class prepared to challenge how you think about physical, spiritual, relational and emotional poverty in ourselves and others, and to re-evaluate our beliefs and behaviors to distinguish between helping and hurting. 

~ “This class was very thought provoking. Learning about the differences between charity compassion (Hand-out) and redemptive compassion (Hand-up) was a big take-away for me. Along with changing perspective from the need, to the person/individual.” (Class Participant)

SUCCESSFUL LIVING: Do we react to life, or do we respond to life in accordance with God’s desire for us? This Life Skills class looks at living life on God’s terms and includes dealing with stress, conflict and anger. Join this class if you could use practical ideas, strategies and tips for more successful living. The 8-week topics include “Value-Based Living,” “Action-Based Love,” and “Increasing Hope” and others.

~ “Very inviting atmosphere and interesting in-depth conversations with new people from the community which I appreciate.”  (Class Participant)


When does the Fall 2024 Trimester start? Thursday, September 12th.

When can I register for Fall 2024? Registration begins August 8th.

Who do I contact if I have questions? Reach out to our team at [email protected] or fill out the contact form (above).

Who are Life Skills classes for? Classes are for anyone who is ready & willing to learn more about themselves, form deep connections in a loving, Christian community, and commit to making positive changes in their lives.

How much will classes cost? All classes are free! The only cost to you is the investment of time and commitment that is required to get the most out of the experience.

Is IMPACT meeting in person or via Zoom? IMPACT is back to meeting in person! We will not be offering classes via Zoom unless we must close the campus due to bad weather.

When & where does IMPACT meet? We meet every Thursday at South Fellowship Church (East side of Littleton). A community meal is served at 5:45pm and all classes begin at 6:30pm and end by 8pm.

How long is the Trimester? Our Fall and Winter Trimesters run for 11 weeks while our Spring classes run for 8 weeks.

Do you offer Childcare? Yes indeed, our wonderful Childcare Team all of whom are trained, and background checked, will absolutely love on your kiddos. We provide FREE childcare for kids aged 6 months to 12 years of age.

Is there a way to “see” what an evening at IMPACT is like? Absolutely. Check out one of our orientations offered throughout the trimester. 

Can I just show up and start taking classes? Unfortunately, not. Everyone must register for classes in advance, so we are able to plan for the meals and to ensure that we have enough workbooks for the classes. If you are bringing your children to IMPACT, be sure to complete the Childcare Registration section. Our IMPACT Registrar will be in touch to confirm your registration and provide you with more details.

How do I get the most out of my IMPACT experience? Like anything else in life, you will get out of the class what you put into it! In order to get the most out of your IMPACT experience we expect you to be on time or early every week, engage with the materials, participate in class and complete any and all homework assignments.

Register for IMPACT Classes!