Filling a home

We had the opportunity to hear about a great love story from Leslie Stahl, an intake volunteer in our Connection Center. I hope this sweet story blesses your heart as it did mine.

“I took a call from a gal from Aurora who was out of our service area and she had seven young children – six of them boys. (so she needed prayer just for that!) She said she was living in a 4-bedroom place with no furniture. I couldn’t imagine what that would look like. We have a furniture ministry (but don’t deliver to Aurora) but I still asked her what she needed. She needed a table, couch, dressers, just a whole bunch of stuff. I reached out to a church (Discover Christian) and said, ‘does your youth group need a project? We need muscles and trucks.’ They were willing to deliver the furniture – they even brought a horse trailer because it was a lot of furniture. I got to be the foreman of the day. We all show up out there and sure enough all these little boys are running around with their diapers and t-shirts. The first thing we took in were the chairs for the kitchen table – they were padded. We set the chairs down and these little boys scrambled up on them and just sat and bounced on them because they were soft. Then the guys brought in the couch, coffee table, dressers and kitchen table and it was just awesome because there wasn’t anything in there. It was so fun to see these little boys respond to finally having furniture in their home that had just been empty walls.”